Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 12 2025 Answers

The ____ and the Furious starring Vin Diesel 

Please find below the The ____ and the Furious starring Vin Diesel answers. This question is part of Level 169. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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The ____ and the Furious starring Vin Diesel




To abstain from food; to omit to take nourishment in whole or in part; to go hungry.
To practice abstinence as a religious exercise or duty; to abstain from food voluntarily for a time, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, or humiliation and penitence.
Abstinence from food; omission to take nourishment.
Voluntary abstinence from food, for a space of time, as a spiritual discipline, or as a token of religious humiliation.
A time of fasting, whether a day, week, or longer time; a period of abstinence from food or certain kinds of food; as, an annual fast.
Firmly fixed; closely adhering; made firm; not loose, unstable, or easily moved; immovable; as, to make fast the door.
Firm against attack; fortified by nature or art; impregnable; strong.
Firm in adherence; steadfast; not easily separated or alienated; faithful; as, a fast friend.
Permanent; not liable to fade by exposure to air or by washing; durable; lasting; as, fast colors.
Tenacious; retentive.
Not easily disturbed or broken; deep; sound.
Moving rapidly; quick in mition; rapid; swift; as, a fast horse.
Given to pleasure seeking; disregardful of restraint; reckless; wild; dissipated; dissolute; as, a fast man; a fast liver.
In a fast, fixed, or firmly established manner; fixedly; firmly; immovably.
In a fast or rapid manner; quickly; swiftly; extravagantly; wildly; as, to run fast; to live fast.
That which fastens or holds; especially, (Naut.) a mooring rope, hawser, or chain; -- called, according to its position, a bow, head, quarter, breast, or stern fast; also, a post on a pier around which hawsers are passed in mooring.
The shaft of a column, or trunk of pilaster.