Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 14 2025 Answers

___ the record is an unofficial statement 

Please find below the ___ the record is an unofficial statement answers. This question is part of Level 205. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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___ the record is an unofficial statement




In a general sense, denoting from or away from; as:
Denoting distance or separation; as, the house is a mile off.
Denoting the action of removing or separating; separation; as, to take off the hat or cloak; to cut off, to pare off, to clip off, to peel off, to tear off, to march off, to fly off, and the like.
Denoting a leaving, abandonment, departure, abatement, interruption, or remission; as, the fever goes off; the pain goes off; the game is off; all bets are off.
Denoting a different direction; not on or towards: away; as, to look off.
Denoting opposition or negation.
Away; begone; -- a command to depart.
Not on; away from; as, to be off one's legs or off the bed; two miles off the shore.
On the farther side; most distant; on the side of an animal or a team farthest from the driver when he is on foot; in the United States, the right side; as, the off horse or ox in a team, in distinction from the nigh or near horse or ox; the off leg.
Designating a time when one is not strictly attentive to business or affairs, or is absent from his post, and, hence, a time when affairs are not urgent; as, he took an off day for fishing: an off year in politics.
The side of the field that is on the right of the wicket keeper.