Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 13 2025 Answers

To back and cheer on a particular team 

Please find below the To back and cheer on a particular team answers. This question is part of Level 2265. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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To back and cheer on a particular team




To bear by being under; to keep from falling; to uphold; to sustain, in a literal or physical sense; to prop up; to bear the weight of; as, a pillar supports a structure; an abutment supports an arch; the trunk of a tree supports the branches.
To endure without being overcome, exhausted, or changed in character; to sustain; as, to support pain, distress, or misfortunes.
To keep from failing or sinking; to solace under affictive circumstances; to assist; to encourage; to defend; as, to support the courage or spirits.
To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor; to represent or act; to sustain; as, to support the character of King Lear.
To furnish with the means of sustenance or livelihood; to maintain; to provide for; as, to support a family; to support the ministers of the gospel.
To carry on; to enable to continue; to maintain; as, to support a war or a contest; to support an argument or a debate.
To verify; to make good; to substantiate; to establish; to sustain; as, the testimony is not sufficient to support the charges; the evidence will not support the statements or allegations.
To vindicate; to maintain; to defend successfully; as, to be able to support one's own cause.
To uphold by aid or countenance; to aid; to help; to back up; as, to support a friend or a party; to support the present administration.
A attend as an honorary assistant; as, a chairman supported by a vice chairman; O'Connell left the prison, supported by his two sons.
The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining.
That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind.
That which maintains or preserves from being overcome, falling, yielding, sinking, giving way, or the like; subsistence; maintenance; assistance; reenforcement; as, he gave his family a good support, the support of national credit; the assaulting column had the support of a battery.