Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 15 2025 Answers

Weighs a lot 

Please find below the Weighs a lot answers. This question is part of Level 2273. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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Weighs a lot




Having the heaves.
Heaved or lifted with labor; not light; weighty; ponderous; as, a heavy stone; hence, sometimes, large in extent, quantity, or effects; as, a heavy fall of rain or snow; a heavy failure; heavy business transactions, etc.; often implying strength; as, a heavy barrier; also, difficult to move; as, a heavy draught.
Not easy to bear; burdensome; oppressive; hard to endure or accomplish; hence, grievous, afflictive; as, heavy yokes, expenses, undertakings, trials, news, etc.
Laden with that which is weighty; encumbered; burdened; bowed down, either with an actual burden, or with care, grief, pain, disappointment.
Slow; sluggish; inactive; or lifeless, dull, inanimate, stupid; as, a heavy gait, looks, manners, style, and the like; a heavy writer or book.
Strong; violent; forcible; as, a heavy sea, storm, cannonade, and the like.
Loud; deep; -- said of sound; as, heavy thunder.
Dark with clouds, or ready to rain; gloomy; -- said of the sky.
Impeding motion; cloggy; clayey; -- said of earth; as, a heavy road, soil, and the like.
Not raised or made light; as, heavy bread.
Not agreeable to, or suitable for, the stomach; not easily digested; -- said of food.
Having much body or strength; -- said of wines, or other liquors.
With child; pregnant.
Heavily; -- sometimes used in composition; as, heavy-laden.
To make heavy.