Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 13 2025 Answers

Section of a play 

Please find below the Section of a play answers. This question is part of Level 2285. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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Section of a play




The structure on which a spectacle or play is exhibited; the part of a theater in which the acting is done, with its adjuncts and decorations; the stage.
The decorations and fittings of a stage, representing the place in which the action is supposed to go on; one of the slides, or other devices, used to give an appearance of reality to the action of a play; as, to paint scenes; to shift the scenes; to go behind the scenes.
So much of a play as passes without change of locality or time, or important change of character; hence, a subdivision of an act; a separate portion of a play, subordinate to the act, but differently determined in different plays; as, an act of four scenes.
The place, time, circumstance, etc., in which anything occurs, or in which the action of a story, play, or the like, is laid; surroundings amid which anything is set before the imagination; place of occurrence, exhibition, or action.
An assemblage of objects presented to the view at once; a series of actions and events exhibited in their connection; a spectacle; a show; an exhibition; a view.
A landscape, or part of a landscape; scenery.
An exhibition of passionate or strong feeling before others; often, an artifical or affected action, or course of action, done for effect; a theatrical display.
To exhibit as a scene; to make a scene of; to display.