Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 12 2025 Answers

A locomotive that runs on tracks 

Please find below the A locomotive that runs on tracks answers. This question is part of Level 291. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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A locomotive that runs on tracks




To draw along; to trail; to drag.
To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like; to attract by stratagem; to entice; to allure.
To teach and form by practice; to educate; to exercise; to discipline; as, to train the militia to the manual exercise; to train soldiers to the use of arms.
To break, tame, and accustom to draw, as oxen.
To lead or direct, and form to a wall or espalier; to form to a proper shape, by bending, lopping, or pruning; as, to train young trees.
To trace, as a lode or any mineral appearance, to its head.
To be drilled in military exercises; to do duty in a military company.
To prepare by exercise, diet, instruction, etc., for any physical contest; as, to train for a boat race.
That which draws along; especially, persuasion, artifice, or enticement; allurement.
Hence, something tied to a lure to entice a hawk; also, a trap for an animal; a snare.
That which is drawn along in the rear of, or after, something; that which is in the hinder part or rear.
That part of a gown which trails behind the wearer.
The after part of a gun carriage; the trail.
The tail of a bird.
A number of followers; a body of attendants; a retinue; a suite.
A consecution or succession of connected things; a series.
Regular method; process; course; order; as, things now in a train for settlement.
The number of beats of a watch in any certain time.
A line of gunpowder laid to lead fire to a charge, mine, or the like.
A connected line of cars or carriages on a railroad.
A heavy, long sleigh used in Canada for the transportation of merchandise, wood, and the like.
A roll train; as, a 12-inch train.