Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 16 2025 Answers

[Relational] Male counterpart of #6 

Please find below the [Relational] Male counterpart of #6 answers. This question is part of Level 441. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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[Relational] Male counterpart of #6




The male of any species of cattle (Bovidae); hence, the male of any large quadruped, as the elephant; also, the male of the whale.
One who, or that which, resembles a bull in character or action.
Taurus, the second of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
A constellation of the zodiac between Aries and Gemini. It contains the Pleiades.
One who operates in expectation of a rise in the price of stocks, or in order to effect such a rise. See 4th Bear, n., 5.
Of or pertaining to a bull; resembling a bull; male; large; fierce.
To be in heat; to manifest sexual desire as cows do.
To endeavor to raise the market price of; as, to bull railroad bonds; to bull stocks; to bull Lake Shore; to endeavor to raise prices in; as, to bull the market. See 1st Bull, n., 4.
A seal. See Bulla.
A letter, edict, or respect, of the pope, written in Gothic characters on rough parchment, sealed with a bulla, and dated "a die Incarnationis," i. e., "from the day of the Incarnation." See Apostolical brief, under Brief.
A grotesque blunder in language; an apparent congruity, but real incongruity, of ideas, contained in a form of expression; so called, perhaps, from the apparent incongruity between the dictatorial nature of the pope's bulls and his professions of humility.