Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 12 2025 Answers

[Anagram] Type of bank card 

Please find below the [Anagram] Type of bank card answers. This question is part of Level 65. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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[Anagram] Type of bank card




Reliance on the truth of something said or done; belief; faith; trust; confidence.
Reputation derived from the confidence of others; esteem; honor; good name; estimation.
A ground of, or title to, belief or confidence; authority derived from character or reputation.
That which tends to procure, or add to, reputation or esteem; an honor.
Influence derived from the good opinion, confidence, or favor of others; interest.
Trust given or received; expectation of future playment for property transferred, or of fulfillment or promises given; mercantile reputation entitling one to be trusted; -- applied to individuals, corporations, communities, or nations; as, to buy goods on credit.
The time given for payment for lands or goods sold on trust; as, a long credit or a short credit.
The side of an account on which are entered all items reckoned as values received from the party or the category named at the head of the account; also, any one, or the sum, of these items; -- the opposite of debit; as, this sum is carried to one's credit, and that to his debit; A has several credits on the books of B.
To confide in the truth of; to give credence to; to put trust in; to believe.
To bring honor or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise the estimation of.
To enter upon the credit side of an account; to give credit for; as, to credit the amount paid; to set to the credit of; as, to credit a man with the interest paid on a bond.