Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 15 2025 Answers

To speak ill of something or someone and ruin their public image 

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To speak ill of something or someone and ruin their public image




A false tale or report maliciously uttered, tending to injure the reputation of another; the malicious utterance of defamatory reports; the dissemination of malicious tales or suggestions to the injury of another.
Disgrace; reproach; dishonor; opprobrium.
Formerly, defamation generally, whether oral or written; in modern usage, defamation by words spoken; utterance of false, malicious, and defamatory words, tending to the damage and derogation of another; calumny. See the Note under Defamation.
To defame; to injure by maliciously uttering a false report; to tarnish or impair the reputation of by false tales maliciously told or propagated; to calumniate.
To bring discredit or shame upon by one's acts.