Daily Word Craze Daily Puzzle Answers Word Craze Daily Puzzle March 14 2025 Answers

Standard cup of coffee 

Please find below the Standard cup of coffee answers. This question is part of Level 973. If you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place for you. Word Craze is an exciting crossword puzzle game where the game graphics and the unique crossword puzzle clues make it a great game to play for all ages. This level was last updated on November 29 2021

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Standard cup of coffee




Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established customary forms; normal; symmetrical; as, a regular verse in poetry; a regular piece of music; a regular verb; regular practice of law or medicine; a regular building.
Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in course, practice, or occurence; not subject to unexplained or irrational variation; returning at stated intervals; steadily pursued; orderlly; methodical; as, the regular succession of day and night; regular habits.
Constituted, selected, or conducted in conformity with established usages, rules, or discipline; duly authorized; permanently organized; as, a regular meeting; a regular physican; a regular nomination; regular troops.
Belonging to a monastic order or community; as, regular clergy, in distinction dfrom the secular clergy.
Thorough; complete; unmitigated; as, a regular humbug.
Having all the parts of the same kind alike in size and shape; as, a regular flower; a regular sea urchin.
Same as Isometric.
A member of any religious order or community who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and who has been solemnly recognized by the church.
A soldier belonging to a permanent or standing army; -- chiefly used in the plural.